WSClean Version 2.0 =================== Released 2016-11-04 Summary: This version adds :doc:`baseline-based averaging <../baseline_dependent_averaging>`, a feature that can improve the computational performance of imaging. Two other new features are ``-auto-threshold``: using :doc:`a threshold relative to the noise level <../basic_cleaning>`; and ``-continue`` to :doc:`start off where a previous deconvolution finished <../continue_deconvolution>`. Furthermore, quite a lot of small bugs were fixed. New features: * :doc:`Baseline-based averaging <../baseline_dependent_averaging>` ) (SF #85). * Option ``-continue`` to :doc:`continue a previous run <../continue_deconvolution>` (SF #79). * Option ``-auto-threshold`` to :doc:`calculate the threshold <../basic_cleaning>` from the residual noise level. * Option ``-spws`` to select which bands to image (SF #83). * Primary beam correction for MF image. Primary beam corrected versions of the residual and model images are saved too (SF #82, requested by T. Shimwell). * Option ``-simulate-noise`` to perform a noise-only simulation. * Connection to the Image Domain Gridder (IDG) is finished, testing continues. * Cleaned up FITS keywords, added keyword 'WSCNORMF' to allow easier PS normalization (SF #75). * WSClean unit tests are now shipped in the distribution and can be run with 'make check'. Fixes: * Use no cleaning border when a trimmed size is specified (SF #81). * Frequency headers in FITS file were wrong for datasets with multiple spectral windows (reported by R. van Weeren). * Channel width not set in fits if input has 1 channel (SF #87, reported by S. Bourke). * Incorrect frequency headers in PSFs (SF #93). * Incorrect frequency headers when imaging multi-spw sets (SF #90, reported by R. van Weeren). * Fitting of MFS image fails when highest frequency is flagged (reported by K. Emig). * Fix for imaging sets with reversed channels, which seems common for Miriad sets (Reported by L. Pratley). * Adding error message when requesting joined channels but not requesting more than one output channel (suggested by F. de Gasperin). * Solving bad deconvolution accuracy when single polarizations are flagged. * Improved speed of convolving the model with the restoring beam. * LOFAR beam did not use the right ra,dec in the first instance of beam creation. * Update help of ``-beamsize``, ``-beamshape`` and ``-theoreticbeam``. * Make sure that primary beam is not updated faster than the integration time (Reported by A. Nilsson). * Fixed crash when applying beam on multi-channel set * Fixed compilation of the 'operator' library interface for connecting with custom deconvolution algorithms. * Enabled fast math for gridder (although no significant change in speed). * Fixed compilation on a Mac. * Better validation and error repporting of input. * Some refactoring.